Saturday 28 September 2019

Squirrels Happen

Have you ever started a project without a plan in mind? It starts out innocently enough. In this case I made an eight pointed star. Simple enough, right? You can read more about my favourite quilt block which are stars here.

two of six drawers of FQ's
 I am trying to use some of the FQ's I have. I do have a healthy collection, and they look so nice in all there glorious colours. But they need to be used not just collected.

purple was the choice of the day
Now as tends to happen with a squirrel one gets so involved that the camera is totally forgotten as you make the magic begin to happen. A square here a triangle there and before you know it you are looking at, if the stars have aligned correctly a project you are happy with. Of course there may have been a little oops, nothing mr jack couldn't fix.

a little turning of the blocks and all is fixed
I would like to make it bigger as it is currently only 36'' x 36''. I may be forced to go buy some fabric. I know having to buy fabric, how rough can it get. The current thought is to add a solid purple border to it.

amazing what a few fat quarters can grow up to become

I'm working on writing the pattern for this.

Have you ever made a quilt without a pattern?

I am linking up to Dreami #32 over at mmm! quilts.


  1. A beautiful use of those fabrics. Is the floral print a William Morris? If so I would love to get some online if possible.

  2. Well that is sure fun! Love the colors. Yes, I forget the photos too, I get so wrapped up in the process!

  3. Very cool block. Chasing squirrels is a good thing!

  4. Looks like the "stars" may just align in your favor!!! Acquiring fabric, chasing squirrels and making more blocks...and all. And if the squirrels are so pretty, no one is going to complain :-)


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