Wednesday, 3 July 2019

The Beauty Around Us

I had a great vacation at my oldest son's place in Killarney, Ontario. Tyson Lake which my son's place is on is 9 1/2 miles long.

beauty surrounded us out on Tyson lake one evening
A view of his place from the lake side.

you can see a couple of the cabins on his resort peeking out to the left of his house and gazebo
While there our son usually has a project or two that he needs his Dad's help for. This is one of them, we helped him put this out on the lake for his guests to enjoy.

water fun! A trampoline with a slide 

The weather was beautiful! I enjoyed the time we spent with this little cutie.

grandma may have given her a treat or two

Some of my roses were blooming when we got back home.

the white spots on the leaves are a milk and water mix for black spot and fungus
I have played in my sewing room or maybe I really should say I got hit with a squirrel. So instead of working on other projects that need to be done. I did this, I have been wanting to do a collage of one of my flowers that I took a photo of for a while now.  This is just the start, I see many hours in my future working on this.

a very long way to go before a finish happens

Take a little time to see what nature has given us. I hope you get to enjoy the beauty around you.