Saturday, 22 December 2018

Craftsy is Making Changes...And What it Means to You

All designers who have a Craftsy pattern store, received email notification of a change in the Craftsy marketplace. I am one of the designers whose Craftsy shop will remain, however not all my patterns may remain. Only Craftsy knows what patterns will remain available after December 28, 2018. Also, I can't add any new patterns to Craftsy until sometime in 2019.

The patterns you have purchased from me will still be available in YOUR Craftsy account library after December 28, 2018. I would recommend downloading the patterns to your computer just to be safe (if you have not already).

All patterns on Craftsy will remain available for sale (unless the designer deletes them) for the next week. If you’ve been eyeing any pattern on Craftsy, now is your last chance to go grab it.

I heard and read comments on social media about this fiasco and so many are saying that they won't support Craftsy anymore. I get it BUT I still have MY shop there, so if people are going to boycott then I have no more business and I have no idea where I will sell my patterns or host free patterns at this time.

PLEASE, please don't stop supporting the few designers who didn't get the boot by Craftsy. My only complaint is that this is happening at Christmas and with only a weeks notice. I'd rather be enjoying family time than worrying about what I'm going to do.

As my way of saying thanks for supporting me let's have a draw for a free pattern of your choice from my store! Leave a comment with the name of your favourite pattern and I'll do a random draw on December 28, 2018.

two of my latest patterns

Thank you for all your support and help over the last few years. Merry Christmas!!

Monday, 10 December 2018

Snowman Mini

I seem to be in a little bit of a funk lately. Whether it is a lack of sun for the past month or that machine being gone still. I finally felt the need to sew!! Wanting to sew nothing big but just to sew. What? No idea just something.
I thought maybe pulling out some scraps might spark some inspiration. I just looked at them, nothing jumped out and said use me. While I had my scraps out I needed to put together  2 1/2'' WOF strips for my guilds Christmas fun. Hope whoever gets mine will be able to use them and likes them.

20 2 1/2'' strips
Those strips did help me find a quick fun easy project though. As a few of those strips are from fabrics I picked up when my guild went on our mystery tour in October. One of the shops we went to Heart'n Home included a free pattern in a gift bag they gave out. 

free table runner pattern

I wanted something small if I only made one snowman I would have an adorable snowman mini. YES! Perfect it checked all the boxes small, quick, easy. And while those scraps were all out anyway it was an easy matter to pull what I needed for this little guy. In a little over an hour I had him cut out, and stitched together. Next up quilting him, I used one of my older machines my Singer 15-91. Those swirls may not be perfect but they look good, texture wise at least.

swirls in the white, loop-de-loops in the green
I think he turned out rather cute if I don't say so myself. He finished up at a 10'' x 19'' mini. And what's a snowman without the snow. I am looking for some buttons for the front of him.

snowman in the snow

Potluck lunch today at my guilds meeting. I love potluck lunches they are hands down the best.
Well I'm off to have fun I hope you get to have a little fun yourself!

Saturday, 1 December 2018

I did it Again

Another month slips by and I wonder where did it go, what if anything did I get done. Rest assured I have been busy doing a few things. First up a secret sewing project took up most of my attention and time, more about that in the new year. Wow talking about the new year already. Slow down I need to get through the rest of this year first, and there may be a big holiday in there too.

 No homemade gifts this year my wonderful  NOT machine is again in for repairs. I am ready to give up on it, I haven't trashed the company that makes it but that doesn't mean I don't want too. This is the seventh time in two years that it is in for repairs. I took it on Nov 5. and may get it back by the 15th of Dec. This is the machine I do my fmq on. I do have an older machine I'm using but with a small throat space and no extension table for it makes it hard to do fmq. I am beyond frustrated. It spends more time in for repairs than it is being used by me.

I need it to work properly so I can quilt it is what helps to relieve stress and brings a smile to my face.

 Progress is being made at least on one project. I have been putting my 150 Canadian women quilt blocks together, I only made 80 of the 150. But if I do say so myself it is coming together nicely. I am doing 10 rows of 8 and have 7 rows done.

Canadian women Blocks
A new ironing board cover was also made. I think it was past due! What do you think?

before on right after on left

A little retail therapy doesn't hurt at any time.

Winter Elegance from in The Beginning Fabrics, Collection for a Cause from Moda, and Fant-04 from Kona Bay Fabrics
These are from Stitch-It Central in London, On. Forgive the shadows, it is dull and grey out again, so indoor photos it it. The sun is hard to find lately.

Tonight we are off to see our local Santa parade. 

I hope your quilting is going smoother than mine.