I know how long it's been since my last post and I am not to going to apologize for the lack thereof I had too much fun. Family comes first and I want to spend as much time enjoying my family as possible. Life is too short not to.
That's not to say I didn't touch my sewing machine just the opposite is true.
a small amount of the fmqing |
I have two, both lap size. Yes that's two quilts quilted all on my domestic machines. I will show the BOM for my guild next week, they get first view. The second is a magazine deadline so no pictures just yet.
If you've ever quilted a quilt on your domestic machine you know firsthand how long it can take. But the results are worth it. No edge to edge for me I have tried but the quilt screams NO so what's a quilter to do but listen.
There was also a lot of laughs and fun in my sewing room so much so I forgot to snap pictures as we went.
One of my granddaughters wanted to sew. I was more than happy to oblige. We had to decide on a project she wanted a real project not just learning to sew seams, she choose a placemat. I thought that was a good idea. We got out my box of strips and she picked what colours she liked.
I taught her rotrary cutter safety and she trimmed the strips to 12 1/2'' by 2 1/2'' with a watchful eye from grandma.
She made a quilt as you go carefully placing the strips one at a time.
one very proud little quilter |
I am so proud of this girl! But the best was listening to her explain how she made it to her non-sewing mom. There may be hope for her mom yet... wait for it. She went out and bought a pink Splash, a cutting mat and a ruler.
I hope you have had time to see the pleasure and joy in a young face seeing their first project take shape and proudly displaying it to everyone.