Saturday, 29 October 2016

Non Quilting Topic - Retinoblastoma

I don't normally share personal stuff on my blog, but am making an exception this time. This past week has been a whirlwind. It all started out innocently enough our daughter took her youngest son in for a routine eye exam, it quickly became a nightmare. 


In less than a week this cute little 3 year old went from what we thought was healthy to having been diagnosed with Retinoblastoma in his left eye. Two days later we were at the Ivy Eye Institute in London. The next morning his parents were on their way with him to Sick Kids in Toronto. He has had surgery and the doctors removed his left eye on Thursday.

Brandon with his brother and sister

It feel on my hubby and I to try and explain what was happening to their little brother without using the 'C word. This is one of the most difficult things I have ever had to do and never want to do again!
 They have been hanging out at grandma and grandpas the past 4 days. One thing I have found out taking care of a 6 and 9 year old is exhausting, this grandma isn't as young as she thought.

I wasn't sure if I was going to post this next picture or not. 
Our daughter and SIL wanted to make sure that Brandon's brother and sister knew that he was okay, so off to Toronto we went with them. It is roughly a 2 hour drive when the traffic is good, it took us 3 hours to get there. I am glad we did take them as both his older siblings did feel better and had a chance to talk to a social worker at Sick Kids.

after surgery

He is to get the eye patch off today and a temporary eye in place. He will to be fitted for a prosthetic eye in 6 weeks. 
Hopefully he comes home today.

Please if you have young children or grandchildren have their eyes checked ASAP.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Mini Round Robin Finish - 'Oops and Friends'

one round robin mini patiently waiting for quilting

You can read about how 'Oops' came to be here, Sandra of mmmquilts first round here, Tish of Tish's Adventures in Wonderland round here and last but not least Julie of Pink Doxies round here.

Once I sandwiched my Mini Round Robin quilt, it was full steam ahead. With no clear plan I put it under my domestic machine's foot and just started it felt so right, isn't that the way with friends. It seemed to flow as I went.

ahh a finish

In the center I echoed the star then did some meander stitching in the grey to make the star pop a little. I maybe should have used a smaller meander to make it pop more. In the seminole blocks of both Sandra's and Julie's round I again did some echoing. I also echoed the star points that Tish did extending the star into the black corners that Sandra added. I love feathers, and quilted them in the black rectangles that Tish added in her round. To finish it up I did some paisley's in the darker purple outer rectangles of Julie's round.

hanging out in the garden

The back shows the quilting much better than anything I can describe.

the back is an Andover grey print
I used two colours of Aurifil thread, black and dove for the quilting. Dove is one of my favourite colours of Aurifil thread.

The label

Every quilt needs a label, whether it is written right on the back or attached. 

one more look at 'Oops and Friends'

This piece holds a very special place in my heart, it helped four friends become one. 
Thank you Sandra, Tish and Julie for helping 'Oops' grow up and for being the best of friends!!!

Sunday, 16 October 2016

The Not List

I am horrible with lists. I can make a list with all the best intentions, but and that is a big BUT I never seem to follow them. I start out good, stroke number one off the list and that is as far as it gets. That's not to say I don't like things organized, because I most certainly do, just not lists.

I have a few things I'm working on and in no particular order and NOT on any list, they are as follows.

For my guild meeting tomorrow, we are doing an applique demo. I will be bringing my sewing machine and demoing machine applique. I usually do a blanket stitch with invisible thread. Unless I am using the 'Crafted Applique' method by Lara of Buzzin Bumble, then I sometimes do a straight stitch.

I designed a sunflower pattern in EQ7 for my guild members, and then touched it up in my graphics program. I am going to get better at using EQ, can't learn the program if I don't use it. Right?

Next up on my not list is to finish writing up the pattern for this quilt. I have 3 blocks left to make. More on this one later.

Pattern writing in progress rather slowly I might add

I have been trying to decide how to quilt my round robin mini. Not a single idea, I haven't even sandwiched it yet. I think that may be up next. You can read more about it hear.

round robin mini

Mother nature continues to play games with us in South western Ontario, it is October 16th and I am wearing my shorts, we continue to have humidity. It is going to feel like 26 Celsius today. Although I do enjoy being able to see the beauty of nature that surrounds me, especially when my world has been turned upside down. My roses are still blooming but I do have a glimpse of fall in my tulip tree.

rose just starting to open

white rose bud wish you could smell the lovely fragance
Tulip tree leaves starting to change colour

 If you want the pattern for the Sunflower Applique it is available for free in my Craftsy store.

Speaking of Craftsy they are holding a fall sale on supplies. This post contains affiliate links.

Hope you are able to enjoy a glimpse of nature around you.