Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Nature plus

This is the view I enjoyed for the past week. Beautiful north country!

Tyson Lake in Killarney
 My oldest son recently purchased a place in Killarney it backs onto Tyson Lake, and a visit was definitely in order. This is nature at it's best. Peaceful and breathtaking beauty.

setting sun
Not only did we want to visit our son but also our granddaughter. They grow so fast, we hadn't seen her in a month. She is just over 3 months old, and rolled over for the first time while we were there. Ohh seeing the little things makes for one happy grandma!

smiling at grandpa

This little guy was so curious he would come out of the bush and walk along the side of the road before darting back in. 

a curious little fox

Getting back to sewing has been a little slow since getting home. But it was nice to get away and just enjoy what mother nature offers. 

Anja's has been testing  my new pattern

A sneak peak of my newest pattern. I am looking for a pattern tester if you are interested send me an email or leave a comment.

Sunday, 18 June 2017

Pictures from Quilt Canada

Quilt Canada was held in Toronto this year at the International Centre. I went on Thursday. Wow! The inspiration, I have a mental list of things I'd like to do and try. The only snag is time, or lack thereof. I know I'm not the only one with this little problem.
How about some inspiration?

Fall's First Frost by Susan Jensen
   This piece was stunning, the trees literally stood out.
Coast moments of the Woods by Carol Seeley

A few of the Quilts of Valour this was a Northcott challenge.


A couple of my favourites and there were lots more.  When looking at Walking with Mom it left you feeling like you were with them on their walk. A beautiful and amazing piece!!!

Walk with Mom by Debora Barlow

Over 30 different purples in Ellie and Squeak.

Ellie and Squeak by Terry Rowland Can you spot Squeak?

What show would be complete without some acquisitions?

these are destined for a bag. They are Northcott Stonehenge fabrics
The green ( L's Modern by Lecien) and purple ( Bear Essentials by P & B Textiles) go so well with the floral print (Walk in the Park by Maywood Studio) they just had to come home with me.

these may make it to a new quilt pattern I'm working on

I swore off FQ's but in my defense these are landscape fabrics and one can never have too many of those.

puffy clouds, turbulent water and little flowers 

 A four metre piece will be used for a backing from Sew Sisters.

at $4.99/m, four metres came home
Freebies are always welcome!

Northcott freebies

I really enjoyed the show! The quilts were amazing!

Saturday, 17 June 2017

Medallion Quilt Month 6

The block this month is the Pinwheel Block. The Pinwheel block is a traditional quilt block with history dating it back to around 1795. The pinwheel block gave a little more flare to quilts at the time it was introduced.

This is a 12 1/2'' unfinished or 12'' finished block.

All seams are 1/4''

Dark fabric: A 4- 4'' x 4''
Medium Fabric: B 4- 4'' x 4''

Background Fabric: C 8- 4'' x 4''  

Step 1:

1. On the back of all piece C's draw a diagonal line from corner to corner. See diagram !a.
2. Place the square on top of piece B. Sew a 1/4'' seam on both sides of the line. See diagram 1b.
3. Cut on drawn line. See diagram 1c.
4. Press HST's to dark side.
5. Trim the HST's to 3 1/2'' x 3 1/2''
6. Make 8.

diagram 1

Step 2

1. Repeat Step 1 using pieces A and C.
2. Make 8.

Step 3

1. Sew HST's see diagram 2.
2. Make 2 of each colour.

diagram 2

Step 4

1. Sew units together to make rows.
2. Sew rows together to make block.

I would love to see any of the blocks you have made, you can post to Instagram using  #stitchinathomemedallion2017 

Sunday, 11 June 2017

Quaker Quilt Guild Quilt Show 2017 is a wrap

After an exhausting 3 days my small guild (30 members) pulled off an incredible show. A lot of time and work goes into a successful show, once the doors opened to the public it soon became apparent that it was well worth the effort put forth by everyone.
The weather was perfect, we had people from various places in the province including Barrie, Toronto, Etobicoke, Hamilton and our local area.

A glimpse of what we had on display follows, this is a non-judged show. We display our quilts in a church on the museum site.

quilts in the early morning light 

 The quilts are draped over the pews. This is a view from the front of the church.

from the back of the church
All the glorious colour of the quilts greeted people as they entered the church.

right side and the wall hangings 
We hung the wall hangings on a line along both sides of the church.

left side

a couple of my quilts 

We had some vintage quilts included this year.

this is just a few of the vintage quilts

this one was hand pieced by Edna Carroll there are 1200 HST's in this beauty

For Canada's 150th we had a display with all the provinces and territories, from coast to coast to coast. This was the guild challenge and was called 'A Road Runs Through'. 

3 territories and one province

7 more provinces
I did Manitoba. The dimensions of the road on the sides of mine were 2 1/2'' wide on the left and 3 1/4'' wide on the right.


Some of the smaller pieces are displayed on dividers.

the watercolour, swoon mini, bluebird and Spring Whimsy are mine.

the leaves are placemats by Joyce Houghton

a nice collection of wall hangings

This is just a small sampling of the many quilts on display. We may be a small guild but as you can see in the photos above we don't lack in talent. 


Saturday, 3 June 2017

What Suff I've Been up to Lately

No I haven't forgotten about my blog, just been busy doing other stuff...that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. Want to see a little of that Stuff?

flying geese a plenty
Well let's see first I've been writing a couple patterns. These flying geese are leftovers from pattern number 1. Sorry that's all you get to see from that one until July 18th, so stayed tuned for it.
The second pattern I'm writing is in the beginning stages, it is one of the designs I made for the 30 Quilt Design Challenge that was hosted by Sandra and Lisa you can read more about it here. Sorry no photos of it just yet.

fabric purchase from sisters

I'm also working on a new guild BOM for the fall. This is the fabric I will be using for it, Sew Sisters had a sale on Victoria day and I took advantage of it. At a little over $7 a metre I'm sure you would too. 
Talking of sales Craftsy has its classes on for under $20. I love their classes I can play them when I want and watch as many times as I need.

My guild the Quaker Quilt Guild in Norwich, Ontario is having a quilt show on June 9th(12 - 5 PM) and 10th(10 - 4 PM). It is held at the museum at 89 Stover St., the quilts are displayed in the church on site.
this is one of my entries for the quilt show
I've been busy doing some behind the scenes things for the show.

With all the pattern writing and quilt show prep, I have taken time to smell the flowers.

verbena flowers

This is some of the stuff I've been up to, what stuff have you been up to?

I am an affiliate for Craftsy, and as such may receive a small commission if you click on one of the links in the post above and make a purchase.  It does not cost you any more.