Saturday, 3 June 2017

What Suff I've Been up to Lately

No I haven't forgotten about my blog, just been busy doing other stuff...that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. Want to see a little of that Stuff?

flying geese a plenty
Well let's see first I've been writing a couple patterns. These flying geese are leftovers from pattern number 1. Sorry that's all you get to see from that one until July 18th, so stayed tuned for it.
The second pattern I'm writing is in the beginning stages, it is one of the designs I made for the 30 Quilt Design Challenge that was hosted by Sandra and Lisa you can read more about it here. Sorry no photos of it just yet.

fabric purchase from sisters

I'm also working on a new guild BOM for the fall. This is the fabric I will be using for it, Sew Sisters had a sale on Victoria day and I took advantage of it. At a little over $7 a metre I'm sure you would too. 
Talking of sales Craftsy has its classes on for under $20. I love their classes I can play them when I want and watch as many times as I need.

My guild the Quaker Quilt Guild in Norwich, Ontario is having a quilt show on June 9th(12 - 5 PM) and 10th(10 - 4 PM). It is held at the museum at 89 Stover St., the quilts are displayed in the church on site.
this is one of my entries for the quilt show
I've been busy doing some behind the scenes things for the show.

With all the pattern writing and quilt show prep, I have taken time to smell the flowers.

verbena flowers

This is some of the stuff I've been up to, what stuff have you been up to?

I am an affiliate for Craftsy, and as such may receive a small commission if you click on one of the links in the post above and make a purchase.  It does not cost you any more.


  1. It seems like quite a few of us have been super busy behind the scenes lately. :) I have a feeling our quilty blogverse will be bombarded with pattern releases and finished quilts later this year. I love those geese, I can't wait to see what they become.

  2. I understand it's difficult to blog when there's so much behind the scenes going on that you can't talk about.. And then with all the outside summer work, boy are we busy! Your quilt entry for the show is so pretty, it looks so feminine and cuddly soft. I'm staying tuned to see your new patterns! :)

  3. I can definitely relate to having a lot of things going on that can't fully be shared about. I hope you are having fun with the new patterns, and I'm glad you are finding the time to stop and smell the roses. :)

  4. Exciting to have patterns underway and a quilt show to look forward to - not to mention a garden to tend and enjoy! I sometimes feel guilty if my blog posting becomes a bit intermittent but then I try and reason that if I'm busy doing stuff probably people who read blogs are pretty busy too and could get overwhelmed with emails :-)Balance!

  5. Looks like you have been quite busy behind the scenes and very cool to hear that it includes new patterns :) I hope you can share lots of pictures of the quilt show with us, I would love to see them.

  6. You'll have to read my blog to find out some of what I've been up to, but like you I've been absent from it for a while.

  7. Good to see yiu back , and with a lot of secret sewing too . It's good to take time to smell the roses . Good luck with the quilt show

  8. I love your pink-themed post! I especially love seeing that pink quilt again (think it was for your granddaughter, no?) Hmm, an awful lot of actual makes came out of our pattern challenge...we should do it again next year methinks.


I love comments, however if you don't get a reply back from me it is because you may be a no-reply blogger. Hope you have a great day!