Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Stay at Home Day 2

These are extraordinary times we are living through and many of us are no doubt stitchin' at home.  Perhaps you have started a new project, or working on a UFO and finishing them up.

 I feel so lucky to be part of this amazing quilting community filled with wonderful quilt shops, quilting guilds, Facebook QuiltAlongs, and best of all, my fellow pattern designers who are always coming up with new techniques and patterns and to help use our stash and create beautiful quilts.

With all the that is going on around us I need to keep busy, it was time to bake and who doesn't love the smell of fresh bread baking.

ohh my house has that lovely fresh bread smell
Would you like to make one of your own? You can get the recipe here.

Don't forget I am having a sale in my Etsy Store. 

I want to take an opportunity to introduce to you to some of my favourite quilting colleagues and friends.

Studio R Quilts

Toadally Quilts

From Blank Pages

Cotton Street Commons

Puppy Girl Designs

Phoebe Moon Quilt Designs

The Devoted Quilter

Christa Quilts

Stitched by Susan


Stay home and stay safe!

1 comment :

  1. We have one more loaf of bread in the freezer, and since our online grocery order can’t be picked up until April 5(!!!) I may be pulling out my bread maker yet! You are so right about the smell of fresh bread


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