Sunday 21 March 2021

Project Quilting 12.6 Ab Intra

 Up until this morning, I was not going to do this challenge. This week's challenge is Ab Intra, or "from within." At first glance, I think the theme is a little intimidating and I have too many raw emotions to contemplate putting them into this. 

But, you know there is always a but somewhere. While having a coffee this morning I thought of this challenge and how we as quilters give freely and put our heart into all we do. We are all stars! 

 So the challenge started at 7:27 AM, nothing like the last minute to do this.

a fabric pull of scraps began. I thought of my inner heart and fresh beginnings. Of course, green being my favourite colour didn't hurt

Not much time for anything else, it was put the head done and sew.

by 9:20 I had made progress

Keeping the pedal to the metal, well maybe not metal. But I was going full out.

11:45 AM

I can't believe I made it. Simple straight line quilting echoing the shapes. This little piece finishes at 7'' by 7''. Need to go small when there is no time to spare.

And so I have 6 for 6 done! 


  1. We do put our hearts into it, and so did you today! I love how you let your mind continue to think on the challenge and congratulations for getting all 6 completed this year. :)

  2. Well done! I started mine last night. LOL The beauty of being in a different time zone, gives me two more hours.

  3. Read you blog this afternoon and love your heart block. Very nice.

  4. Way to put your heart into the final challenge of Season 12, Cindy!!

  5. Congrats on a quick finish! It looks lovely.

  6. Nice finish, Cindy! I would imagine that this challenge theme brought a bit too much to the surface for you. Interesting how those prompts get rolling in our heads and then it just has to be made. Way to go for putting your heart into this project! :-)

  7. Cindy this is such a sweet finish. Congrats on 6 for 6!

  8. Cindy you totally amaze me again with your creativity, speed and determination. I absolutely love the beautiful heart inside the star. Knowing how incredibly rough a year this has been for you, I feel the poignancy and the hope contained in this sweet little quilt that I hope you display somewhere where you can see it every day.

  9. This is wonderful! I'm so happy you were inspired to create - it's a lovely piece!


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