Thursday, 4 April 2019

More Bits of Goings On

It's amazing how fast April seemed to come along this year. The months just continue to roll on, if I'm not careful I may get rolled right over.
April started out busy as the 1st is my anniversary, no sewing got done. We spent the day just doing little fun things that we enjoy, like a walk. Then a nice meal out at one of our favourite restaurants.

Sewing has been happening including more secret sewing this time for the 'Be A Diamond' blog hop hosted by Just Let Me Quilt.

A sneak peak at my project. 

a fun novelty print
This is as far as I am, I need to get moving on this project as my day is April 26th.

Some easy sewing also happened I saw these cute little bunny bags on pinterest. The tutorial is here. They were a quick make. My grandchildren will like these, especially filled with chocolates.

I made six in a couple hours

I have also been slowly working on my challenge project for my guild show. I have been using Steam a Seam 2 Lite on the back of the flowers and cutting them out. I need a whole lot more. 

I need to continue cutting more as this is only a small sample of what I'm going to be using

Now I just hope my idea for the guild challenge works out the way I have in my mind. That's the funny thing about these visions they don't always go the way we think they will. But I'm pushing forward as I'm sure it's going to look like I envision, fingers and toes crossed.
If you are looking for a great QAL hop on over to mmm!quilts. She has a lovely design, that makes 42 1/2'' square quilt a very manageable size and time schedule. I am sponsoring one of the prizes.

Now I better get busy and start putting thread to fabric.


  1. Happy anniversary! It sounds like it was a great day. :)

  2. happy anniversary. I love your little bunny bags and good luck with the challenge. It looks interesting so far.

  3. Thanks for the shout-out Cindy! You do have a lot going on, and man you're in so many blog hops this year so far, I'm amazed! Cute bunny bags too.

  4. Happy Anniversary. I agree..time is moving along rather quickly.


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