Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Shweshwe Fabric - Guest Speaker

My guilds guest speaker was Celeste of Meerkat Shweshwe Fabrics. What an enjoyable speaker! She took us through the history of Shweshwe and it's South African roots. She talked about the influence of Europeans and indigo. How colour has emerged as the youth of South Africa move into the cities.

beautiful array of colours
Celeste is an excellent speaker holding everyone's attention. I can't begin to do justice to the history of the Spruce manufacturing or 'Three Cats' trademark, to read more about the history of Shweshwe go to Celeste Meerkat's website.

we had a full house and getting good pictures of her quilts was difficult.

In the above photo she used both sides of the Shweshwe fabric.

the dots are orange
The fabric is stiff from the manufacturing process and needs to be prewashed before being used.



  1. It sounds like a fabulous meeting and discussion!

  2. So do you have plans for that gorgeous yellow? The fabrics sure look gorgeous.

  3. I love Shweshwe fabric. I want more!!


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