Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Just Free Motioning

When writing my last pattern 'Squared Off' you can read about it here or if you want to make one you can purchase a copy at my Craftsy store. I made a couple test blocks trying out a couple different techniques for making the block. Grabbed the rest of the scraps I was using plus, and made a couple more blocks.

four blocks make a mini
Originally I was going to add a white border but changed my mind. I wasn't feeling the border at all. I basted it and looked and looked at it trying to decide how to quilt it. Sometimes I feel those decisions are harder than choosing fabrics. 
I had been playing with my Westalee rulers as I haven't really given some of them the time of day. So out they came.

Westalee rulers waiting in the wings for their turn to play

Out came a practice sandwich and I granted myself some play time. I almost felt like I was playing in the sandbox after a long absence. 
The template I decided to use for my mini was Spin-e-fex no 4. 

spin-e-fex no 4 flower
I echoed around the flower, then added some sorta straightish lines. I maybe should have used a ruler they would have been a lot straighter. But I think it adds character to the design, at least that's the story I'm sticking to.

some straight line quilting in the triangles
I did use my rulers for the straight lines in the triangles along the outside edges. This turned out to be a quick fun design to quilt.

the back was pieced with bits and pieces
I almost like the back better than the front. I pulled out some extra bits and pieces from my scraps and pieced the back together.

it's home for now is on my kitchen table

Have you ever just let go and played with the tools you have on hand, you may be surprised by the results. I know I was.

Linking up to 


  1. Nicely done. I call it organic quilting when my quilting is not perfect:)

  2. I love when the back is just as fabulous as the front. The quilting is fantastic and a great way to tie the blocks all together.

  3. Looks terrific Cindy. I love the line "haven't really given some of the them the time of day". I uh may be guilty of that too. Great back too; you know me, I like those kind of backs. :-)

  4. I love having play time, but unfortunately it doesn't happen often enough. I really like those flowers you made. Who knew those rulers would make such a pretty design! I'm happy you had play time. :)

  5. Love what you're creating with those rulers - looks like you're getting comfortable with them pretty quick! Thanks for sharing today!

  6. Nice quilting. I can't imagine doing ruler work on my domestic. Maybe some day I'll invest and give it a try.

  7. I'm hoping to try that on a practice piece this weekend - wouldn't have been possible without your help in getting one of my machines to do FMQ. Without a template all I can do so far are unruly swirls but hopefully I'll get better.

  8. What a beautiful finish! The quilting adds interest and ties the whole thing together so well. Glad to hear you were having fun with the rulers. It shows!

  9. Such an interesting pattern, Cindy. It reminds me of Mughal Gardens with strong axes and grassy squares neatly placed.


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