Monday, 18 September 2017

Bloggers Quilt Festival - Guild 2017 BOM

It is time for the Bloggers Quilt Festival, run and hosted by Amy who blogs over at Amy's Creative Side. We are allowed to enter two quilts, I haven't decided if I am entering one or two yet. This is my first entry into in the Bloggers Quilt Festival. The quilt I am entering is one of the latest ones I've made. I love the colours in this quilt they are a little out of the usual for me. Even though it is a sampler it  flows nicely.

2017 BOM

When it comes to the quilting I seem to continue to push myself, I get in the 'zone' and have a hard time even coming up for air. My domestic machine and I are one!


curls and loops

flange border
I like the ease and use of a flange border. That little bit of colour peaking out is an extra dimension to the quilt.


  1. Great quilt, I really like how you quilted each block differently.

  2. It is a beautiful sampler, Cindy. Love the flange binding. Someday, I am going to try it.

  3. This is a great design/quilt and I agree that the quilting adds a great dimension to it as does the flange binding!

  4. Pretty colors! It makes me think of strawberry lemonade. I like using a flange binding, too.

  5. So lovely, and it's obvious that you love machine quilting. Well done!

  6. Beautiful quilt! The quilting adds a whole new dimension to it! Great job! Thanks for sharing for the festival!

  7. I think it's taken me years to appreciate more subtle quilts whether they're in my normal palette or not. I love how some of the colors are light enough to suggest fade out blocks in old quilts. It makes me stop to look closer, and that's when I get a really good close up of your quilting motifs. I think this whole quilt is well done, and you get my vote. It's a beautiful entry!

  8. Sampler quilts are great fun. Love the colours you have used and the quilting finish looks great.

  9. Great choice for an entry Cindy! I haven't done mine yet, but Preeti made the decision for me, and told me which two to enter so that's half the battle ha! Love seeing you and your DSM proof of 'we are one'!! Beautiful job. Your guild is very lucky to have you. I truly mean that. :-)

  10. I love the color palette of this quilt. It looks like one my grandmother would have made (if she was a quilter) and so cuddly.

  11. Very pretty! Great color choices. Is that a little flange on the binding?

  12. You did such a nice job of bringing those Sampler blocks into a cohesive design!


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