Saturday, 25 March 2017

Initially Yours-Initial Block Challenge

One of my guilds programs was to make blocks that start with our initials. The challenge was named 'Initially Yours', over a three month period we showed the blocks we made using the initials in our names. I choose to make mine 6'' blocks. My initials are CEP. Let the show begin with the 'C' block I picked.

C is for compass block in my favourite colour 'green'
My favourite colour is green I'm drawn to it and will always be my first choice. The dark green and the lighter green are both batiks. I wish I knew the name of the print, I only had a FQ of it and I love it. My first name is Cindy, you know that song 'Get Along Home Cindy Cindy' sung by Ricky Nelson, my father heard it playing when I was born liked it and I ended up with it. 
A few lyrics from the song:
I wish I was a apple            
Hanging in a tree
And every time my sweetheart passed 
She'd take a bite of me

Get along home Cindy Cindy     
Get along home Cindy Cindy 
Get along home Cindy Cindy 
I'll marry you sometime  

I choose the Compass block as you never know what direction life takes and a compass may help keep you on the good path.

Next up is 'E', one of my middle initials after my 'Finish' grandmother. I have more than one middle name. This block dates back to 1815 according to Vintage Quilts.

E is for eight pointed star

My last initial is 'P' for this one I choose the 'Priscilla' block. After doing a bit of googling about the block for this post I found it listed as a 'Bible Block'. I liked the look of the block and was unaware of the bible connection.

P for my variation of the Priscilla block

I added sashing and borders in that same print fabric. I did ruler work in all three blocks in an attempt  to accent various parts of the block. The left, right bottom borders and sashing I free motioned curls and swirls. The top border areas I did feathers.

in order of my initials compass, eight pointed star and priscilla
The wall hanging is 22'' long and 8 1/2'' wide.  I used aurifil threads and sulky in the green print.

back complete with label


  1. What a cool idea for a guild program and custom piece for you. Choosing to work with your favorite color just gives it that much more personalization. It's a beautiful finish!

  2. That is a really interesting idea for choosing blocks! What fun and your runner looks great.

  3. I've never heard of a cooler way to choose blocks! I have had my nose stuck in the Jinny Beyer's Quilter's Album of Patchwork Patterns this morning looking for 4 special blocks to make a requested wall hanging. I may just try your method to pick.

    Something I noticed from your wall hanging is visual weight differences between your blocks. That would never have occurred to me before I saw them lined up vertically. And yet another element of design to consider. While the green portions of each block increase, the white background areas seem to pull them together, and the true background print makes it truly cohesive. What an interesting post, Cindy!

  4. What a fun challenge! And one I never heard of before! Love your blocks!

  5. Cindy, this is a beautiful finish and a very interesting concept for a guild challenge. Will you all display them together?

  6. Our guild did a similar challenge last year. Your blocks are beautiful, Cindy. Love the choice of color and the placement of dark and light gives it the appearance of transparency.

  7. Cindy, you did such a nice job on these. I love the green and all three blocks - great choices

  8. Such a clever way to choose quilt blocks. This would be a great idea for guilds, and friendship groups alike, to make a challenge for members.

  9. What a wonderful idea for a wall hanging - very creative! Thanks for sharing it's story on Midweek Makers

  10. What a fun idea and your wall hanging is beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Hi Cindy, what a great idea. Your quilt is lovely.


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