Saturday, 21 January 2017

Month 1 Medallion BOM

The first block posted is for the medallion center.

 block is 8 1/2'' unfinished 8'' finished, four are required to make the center

All seams allowances are 1/4''

Cutting: This is for the four blocks

Dark fabric:   A  6- 3'' x 3''  
Medium fabric: B  2-  5" x 5''  
                          C  6-  5" x 5''  

Background fabric: D  2-  5" x 5'' 
                                E  6- 3'' x 3'' 
                                F  12- 3'' x 3'

Step 1:

1. On the back of both piece D draw a diagonal line from corner to corner. See diagram 1a.
2. Place the square on top of piece B. Sew a 1/4'' seam on both sides of the line. See  diagram 1b.
3. Cut on drawn line. See  diagram 1c.
4. Press HST's to the dark side.
5. Trim the HST's to 4 1/2'' x 4 1/2''
6. Make 4.


Step 2:

1. Repeat Step 1 using pieces E and  A. Following 1 through 4.
2. Trim the HST's to 2 1/2'' x 2 1/2''
3. Make 12.

Step 3:

1. Cut F in half diagonally. 
2. Sew a F to a HST unit from step 2 right sides together see diagram 2a.
3. Sew a F to the bottom of unit see diagram 2b.
4. Make sure there is a 1/4'' along point edge lining up the ruler 45 degree line with the side of the unit. See diagram 2c.
5. Make 12 units. 

diagram 2 with diagram 2c
Step 4:

1. Cut C in half diagonally.
2. Sew a unit from step 3 above to C with right sides together. See diagram 3a.
3. Make 12 see diagram 3b.

diagram 3

Step 5:

1. Join rows.
2. Join the rows to make block see diagram 4
3. Trim to 4 1/2'' x
3. Make 4.

Remember to have fun and to post to instagram using #stitchinathomemedallion2017 


  1. I've taken on too many projects to join you Cindy but hope this goes well

  2. I would like to be able to join in, I think this is a great design!

  3. Thanks for sharing this QAL with us, Cindy. I had so much fun making this block and look forward to making next month's block.

  4. I'm in too, Cindy! My center block is complete. It took me longer to decide on my colors and fabrics than it did to complete the block! Looking forward to the rest of the blocks. Thank you for sharing this!


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