Sunday, 8 January 2017

Design 2 Mini

I have been having fun designing blocks for the 30 Quilt Block Design Challenge. You can read more about it here. This is block #2.

block 2 

I feel in love with this block and had to see where it would go. I powered up EQ and took block 2 for a spin. I liked the results.

block 2 became X-Squared

So I ask you what's a quilter to do but make it. Right? But you knew there had to be one... I had a moment of insanity well it was longer than a moment as I cut all the pieces to make this one. The insanity part I thought a mini would be nice...yeah insanity pure and simple. All those HST's are 1 1/2''!!

one and a half inch pieces 
There were a lot of little pieces 48 hst's to be exact plus 16 center parts. What was I thinking? Keeping all those points sharp and having everything line up was going to be fun.

64 1 1/2'' little bitty parts

I sewed like a madwomen, or at least it seemed like I was, needing to get those pieces together. Oh yes I was squirreled or as Sandra of mmmquilts likes to call it a DrEAMi moment. She is going to be having a linky party starting January 28th visit her blog mmm!quilts to read more about it.

ahh success it was all coming together

Those four blocks are 4'' finished. Ahh my little points were all matchy matchy and that makes me happy. I did press the seams open which is something I don't normally do. But when working with all those little pieces it reduced bulk at the seams.

one X-Squared mini

I was in a hurry to get a couple pictures so I glue basted the binding on and will hand stitch it down later. Sometimes the best quilting is just some simple straight line quilting.

glue basted binding

I am loving my new mini. Now maybe I can get back to working on my Meadow Mystery blocks.

Meadow Mystery quilt blocks

That's how I spent my Sunday I hope yours was as enjoyable as mine.


  1. That's a fun little block. It's fun to see the star pop up in the middle when you put them together. I have resisted the 30 design challenge, because once I power up graph paper or EQ or both, hours mysteriously disappear and other things somehow don't get done!

  2. All those tiny HSTs! Even though they are tiny, the quilt is powerful....I love it! The colors are fantastic!

  3. That turned out great! You were right to iron those seams open. It makes a big difference with many seams. Love it!

  4. I love your little mini and your meadow mystery is looking great.

  5. This is gorgeous. I always iron my seams open if I'm doing alot of HST's no matter what the size. I seem to get my points to match easier when I do

  6. Beautiful block, but oh sooooooooo tiny. Wow.

  7. And isn't it fun to just stop everything and do something new. Very cute and you have a finish!

  8. What a great mini! Sometimes you have to stop everything for a little 'fun' sewing! I'm glad you did!

  9. You are moving right along on the block challenge, I'm extremely impressed. I love how having the blocks on point creates the star in the center. I am a lover of star blocks.

  10. Beautiful - I've worked with HSTs that size, and they're not easy to line up so neatly. You did an amazing job, and I love the colours!

  11. Cindy, I had an epiphany when I read this: this is a dreamy DrEAMi! I loved the soft feminine look to this mini when I saw it on Instagram, but here it struck me as soft and dreamy... :-) The quilting is just perfection to a tiny perfection of a mini. Those points--!! You rock my friend! Thanks for promoting my new linky too.

  12. Oh just looks at those perfect points! Well done on a great block!

  13. Great mini! And the simple lines are perfect!

  14. That's a perfect design for a mini! It must have been so satisfying to go from design idea to quilt so quickly.

  15. That is a great design! I love your mini - and am so impressed by your tiny HSTs. When I have gotten that small with them, they seem to get all wonky!


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