Saturday, 21 May 2016

Crafted Applique: New Possibilities Blog Hop!

I am happy to be able to call Lara my friend, we met through QBL when she replied to a post I had written and our friendship blossomed. She is a true friend through and through!
So when Lara asked if I would be a part of her blog hop and review her book I said yes without a moments hesitation. Thank you Lara from Buzzin' Bumble for including me in your wonderful Crafted Applique New possibilities Blog Hop and giving me a chance to review your book.

The book is FANTASTIC and the unique method will change your look on raw edge applique forever! The projects in the book are wonderful and clearly show the talent that Lara has.

Applique and I have gotten along fairly well with my favourite having been fused raw edge with a buttonhole stitch around it in invisible thread. I never could get the turned edge with starch down pat, those little points would always look weird. I took a class from Joyce O'Connell using the appliquick rods and like that method if I want a turned edge.

Once I tried Lara's method I was hooked.  Lara goes into well written details of what to use and how, she covers it all so well in her book.

Want to see a project or two?

the oh not so lovely fabric
Somehow this fabric came to be in my stash, I'm not really sure how or why, maybe I had blinders on who knows for sure. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it. But there it sat every time I straightened up my stash it seemed to jump out at me, screaming use me, use me. This had to stop I needed to do something with that fabric. I thought hmmm this piece would work to cut applique pieces from, so as you can see I have indeed cut into it.

alpha pin case

This project was so quick, once the prep work was done which really doesn't take long. I cut that cute little butterfly and the flower out. Followed Lara's excellent directions to fuse them down and then just straight stitched the applique pieces down using rayon thread, added some thread painting details on the flower.  I love the sheen that rayon thread gives. Now I have the perfect place to keep my alpha pins you can read about how I made them here. No fabric was harmed, it was only enhanced and I do say is much better for it.

Alpha pins all neat and tidy in there lovely new needle case

Next up was this little wall hanging. It is 9 1/2'' by 12''.

mini wall hanging
 The flowers are just a whimsical flower I designed and the dragonfly and butterfly are from that oh not so lovely fabric. I just straight stitched around the flower petals and added some thread painting to the dragonfly again using rayon thread. I may have gotten a little carried away with the thread work, but the applique is so easy to sew through and never gums up your needle! Even the long skinny pieces didn't fray. I love this new method of applique.

straight stitched even the skinny little stems

the back

I wish I could tell you her method so you can jump in and try it, BUT I'm sworn to secrecy so if you want to know what her method is you'll have to get a copy of her book. You can win a copy as Lara has generously offered to give a book to one of my readers just make sure to comment below.  Or you can get a copy for yourself at Amazon ( not an affiliate link) or AQS or from Lara herself.

I have more crafted applique in the works. This is one of the borders on a quilt I'm currently working on. I haven't started quilting it yet.

applique border
I also used the Crafted Applique method on my new machine cover, you can read about that here. Yeah I'd say I'm hooked maybe even a little bit addicted, but I love the look and no fraying at all.

Did you see her retro telephone project? Wowers, love it!!

Now for a chance to win a copy for yourself, leave a comment any comment is fine. If you need a topic you can tell me do you like applique. My followers get another chance just tell me how you follow.
I will draw a winner on May 29th , 2016.


  1. My teenage daughter recently did some appliqué as part of her Textiles exam final project and we struggled to know how to finish the edges. This book and Lara's technique would have been really useful. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the book.

  2. Always disappointed with my applique attemps and problems that crop up in the process. Love a nice clean edge but haven't achieved my goal. Would love to win a copy of this book. Thanks for the opportunity!

  3. love your projects. I have hand appliqued and enjoyed it. I would love to machine applique.
    thanks for a chance.
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  4. I follow you on bloglovin
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  5. Great projects, and such a good use of the floral fabric! Following on bloglovin

  6. I would love to win this book to learn a new method.

  7. Wow Cindy you are amazing! You've been so busily sewing away and making such beautiful projects. I loved your sewing machine cover! And now these great projects are just so wonderful too! The case for your Alpha Pins is so pretty and the flower you cut out broderie perse style looks so pretty on the minty background fabric. Your stitching and thread painting is perfect! I love the flowers you designed on your mini quilt! The dragon fly looks like it was made for them. The stitching and quilting you did on that quilt are so inspiring! Love the way it looks on the back! And now you're making that pretty border! LOL, you took to doing Crafted Applique like a duck takes to water!
    Thank you so much for writing such a terrific book review and for inspiring us with your beautiful work! Cindy, I've always felt blessed to know you and call you my friend!

  8. I haven't really cared for applique all that much, hoping to win Lara's book and change my mind about it.

  9. I have never been a huge applique fan, as I find it tedious. However I ADORE applique art quilts, like Toni Whitney and McKenna Ryan's. I own many patterns and kits, but have just not brought myself to do it yet. I have several wonderful Montana related kits I want to try with this method.

    I am super new to blogging and blog hops--this is my first one. Trying to teach this old dog some new tricks. You are now my very first blog lovin' follow.

  10. I have done some applique mostly names on quilt backs for kids but would love to do a quilt, If I had a method that looks a little better.

  11. i can't wait to try this new technique. your flowers and butterflies are right up my ally.

  12. I like the ease of machine applique, but not so much the look. This technique sounds great.

  13. I like the ease of machine applique, but not so much the look. This technique sounds great.

  14. Looks like a REALLY interesting applique technique!

  15. Looks like a REALLY interesting applique technique!

  16. Applique and I are BFF's!!!

  17. I love applique and I am always looking for ways to improve.

  18. I follow you through email.

  19. I love your wall hanging! So talented-haven't tried machine applique yet-just hand applique with felt-which turned out pretty impressive-one day.

  20. Hi,Very pretty wall hanging>love the dragonfly! Thanks for sharing!

  21. I have only done a little bit of applique but would love to learn more. This book looks awesome and I'd love to try Lara's technique. Thanks for the giveaway!

  22. Gorgeous projects! I admire your stitching so much and really love how you enhanced the flora with the rayon thread! I also have in mind to use this method to border a UFO I have (hopefully soon lol!!)

  23. Following by pinterest and newsletter.

  24. Very pretty applique. Love the way you embellished the flower.

  25. I like the look of applique but I have not been very successful with it. I am hoping this is my answer. I would love to win this book.

  26. I love appliqué, and I know I'd love it even more with this method!

  27. It's been such fun meeting new-to-me quilting bloggers on this hop. I enjoy applique (thanks to workshops with Pat Sloan and Robbi Eklow) and I really, really look forward to learning Lara's technique. Thanks for the giveaway!

  28. love it and always looking for a new way.

  29. I loove applique and my first wall quilt was an applique quilt. Sweet project!

  30. I am a new follower via bloglovin'

  31. Igot you on

  32. Ty for your thoughts on this book cant wait to check it out for myself...

  33. Such lovely examples of applique. Must obtain a copy of the book.

  34. Your flower projects are just lovely. I especially like that daisy one with the stunning quilting you did on it. Lara's technique is absolutely genius. I love how soft all of the applique pieces are in a finished project.

  35. Whatever Lara's magic technique is, I need to learn! I like applique, but concerns about fraying mean I don't use raw edge too often. This technique could change that.

  36. What a neat way to use a rather awkward piece of fabric. I like that this technique looks great with both broderie perse style applique and cut yardage. I have not been a happy applique-er, but this method might convert me.

  37. Love the look of applique but haven't found a method that works for me yet. Hoping this book might be it!

  38. I like appliqué, but have never managed to appliqué small shapes, or many curves successfully, neither by hand nor by machine. I hope this method will work for me. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.

  39. I'm following on Instagram.

  40. I really, really,really want to learn applique.

  41. I am lovin' your mini quilt with the flowers and dragonfly! It's so simple, yet "moves" with all the great quilting. You are a master! Yes, I do like applique, but I know I'll like it a lot more when I learn Lara's secret!

  42. I am a new Bloglovin' follower of yours!

  43. Nice projects you made. I do love applique and am looking forward to trying Lara's method.

  44. Love your projects...I usually have done raw edge appliqué as its been the easiest for me to manage so far.

  45. Cindy, you outdid yourself! That alpha pin case is too cute, and your mini is to DIE for! LOVE your FMQ, wowsers. You are super-talented to design the flowers too. I, too, love FMQ and thread-painting with rayon; it has such a gorgeous sheen, just adds a richness. Will be looking forward to that pink quilt finish. Isn't this method just the absolute COOLEST?!

  46. I love appliqué but I mostly needle turn. Would love to learn a new technique

  47. I already follow you Cindy

  48. What a great way to utilize that piece of fabric!! Looks like you can make many more beautiful items from what's left. Would love to win this book.
    kakingsbury at verizon dot net

  49. Love your sewing machine cover!! Thanks so much for sharing! Your Wallhanging is AWESOME! Am encouraged to retry Applique again...this Hop has been fun & the reviews & projects have been Super! Thank you for participating too..& for chance to win this give-a-way! :D

  50. I like your pin book! I am ok with applique, but would love to incorporate more of it in my projects.

  51. I love machine applique with invisible thread and a small zig zag stitch; and I use a combo of turned under techniques that work well for me. However that all takes so much time and I want to get to the fmq. This new raw edge method sounds perfect.

  52. Seeing all the fantastic examples of this crafted applique method is making me want to try it, and soon! Your FMQ is wonderful.

  53. Cindy your projects are amazing. I do raw edge applique and find Lara's technique very intriguing and can't wait to try it.

  54. love the fussy cut flowers - came out so wonderful!

  55. Your mini wall quilt is beautiful from the sweet flowers to quilting!

  56. Your applique project is gorgeous and inspirational! Thanks for sharing.

  57. I subscribed to your email newsletter.

  58. I DID see the retro telephone project and I LOVE it!!

  59. I like the satisfaction I get from appliqueing.

  60. I love to applique but have more ideas than time. You have inspired me to do a project that I have wanted to do for a while. It is similar to your wall hanging but a little more abstract. I am anxious to try out a method that will secure the edges. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of Lara's book.

  61. I follow you on Bloglovin' and by email.

  62. I am intrigued by this process!

  63. This method deserves a try. I need more hours in my day.

  64. I would love to try out this process, I am intrigued by it!

  65. Your projects came out so nice!

  66. I have done fusible applique, would love to win this book to try her method. Love your project!

  67. I think someone loves Lara's method...and I think her name is Cindy :) This hop is making it harder and harder to wait till June to open my book, but I must finish my OMG first.

  68. Very pretty. I love your use of the flowers.

  69. I must say I have a fabric or two in my stash that just magically appeared as well. What a good idea to get great use out of it when normally it would have just stayed on the shelf.
    I'll have to keep that in mind.

  70. I love appliqué but do more fusing than hand appliqué.

  71. I need to learn how to do this!

  72. Lovely finishes Cindy. I am enjoying this book blog hop.

  73. I already am a happy follower!
    8 )

  74. I cannot wait to get my hands on Lara's book and give her method a go.

  75. This looks like a great technique Thanks so much for sharing

  76. Thanks for linking up at Podunk Pickin's. That's some gorgeous quilting!

  77. thanks so much for sharing your gorgeous projects - I love your wallhanging and the quilting is awesome ! definitely need Lara's book :)

  78. Great project! I just have to try this method!

  79. Wow! I love your appliqued flowers!!

  80. I have done some applique in the past but I am not too good at it. I would try this, its looks like something I would love to do. Thanks

  81. Your dragon fly is the best, love that wall hanging, and what a method you have used, sworn to secrecy.I usually use fusible web, then on my Bernina the slanted buttonhole with invisible or matching thread. What another wonderful give-away.

  82. I definitely need to know how this terrific applique method works. I'm so impressed with all the projects that you presenters have done. I don't do lots of applique but I WANT to use this magic. Love your pin-book; that fabric is absolutely perfect for applique. Your thread work is excellent.

  83. This is awesome. Where did you get the pins with the letters on them? Great idea.

  84. You've done very nice work! I've taken a couple of applique classes but have never completed a block. I guess I haven't found a technique that worked for me. Maybe this book might. Thanks. Karen kthurn(at)bektel(dot)com

  85. I follow you on Instagram.

  86. Hello Cindy,
    The little flower appliqué is fantastic. Thank you for linking up with Free Motion Mavericks!
    Love, Muv

  87. Your applique looks really nice. I would love to win a copy of this book.

  88. I love applique, and your flowers are fabulous! Can't wait to try this technique.

  89. Love the wall hanging and the butterfly and flower piece.

  90. Your work is beautiful!!

  91. thanks for the chance to win. I'd love to try her applique technique. refusestofear at yahoo dot com

  92. I would love to learn more about this technique - I love applique!

  93. I'm sure this method of applique will be taking the quilting world by storm!

  94. Cindy, your projects are really beautiful and your quilting is perfect! I'm so curious about her book and I'm sure I'll be ordering it for myself soon. Thanks for joining my UFO link up!


I love comments, however if you don't get a reply back from me it is because you may be a no-reply blogger. Hope you have a great day!