Sunday, 28 February 2016

February OMG Finish!

I think I can, I think I can, I think can just like the 'Little Engine that Could'. There were some serious doubts as to whether I would get my mini swoon done by the end of the month. I had my fabrics all pulled and anxiously waiting to be cut and sewed. You can read about my fabric pull here. Then my machine took a power surge. I haven't got a new one yet. A friend offered me her extra machine to use till I get one, and I was back to sewing. I did try using my vintage machine but I need to get a different foot as I was having all kinds of trouble with a 1/4 inch seam.

blocks sewn

I think I can, I think I can kept on playing over and over in my mind. I did it, the top was done and ready to quilt. I had no idea how I was going to even quilt it. I think I can was soon replaced by ' Get'er Done' complete with Larry the cable guy dialect. I really needed to Get'er Done. I decided the only thing to do was just dive right in, I let the quilt speak to me. And I GOT'er DONE!

Got'er Done

As you can see I didn't use the cornerstones in the sashing I let the block floats. I did very little ruler work just in the center and everthing else was free motion.

the center section

I took all the pictures of the finished mini outside, we broke weather records for high temperatures in southwestern Ontario today. It was beautiful sunny and 14 Celsius, hubby and I went for our walk and it felt so good not bundling up.  

I had a few problems getting the flow of the stitching right. I'm so used to how my machine ran using a different machine and getting the speed and moving right took some doing. As a result my stitching doesn't  have the nice curves and flow. But I Got'er done.

Overall I like my fabric choices and am extremely happy to have a finish.


  1. Congratulations on the finish. How awesome to have a friend who let you borrow a machine. Any news on how long yours might take to fix? And getting to go for a walk with your husband in the warm and sunshine sounds delightful; I'm glad you had such a great day!

  2. Congrats on finishing! I love how it turned out and the look of it without the corner stones. I'm kind of wishing I had went that route. How sweet of your friend to let you borrow a machine until you get your new one. And to top it all off and wonderful walk with your husband in the nice warm weather. Sounds like a pretty good weekend.

  3. Yay! Cindy I am SO HAPPY you did it!! This was so much fun doing this together. Yours is so so pretty, and such a cool look to float the blocks without the cornerstones. Lovely quilting, and on a machine you are not familiar with, kudos to you. Glad you got to enjoy the sunshine--a walk with a husband is good anytime, anywhere, but in the sunshine and warmth in February is a real treat. Yay vitamin D!

  4. Beautifully done and good for you for soldiering through! Aren't quilty friends just the best?! I think your quilting looks fabulous for using a machine you are not accustomed to! Love your color choices and I really like the no cornerstone look!

  5. I'm a friend of Sandra's so hopping over from her blog-Congrats on getting your mini swoon done just in time! It's so very wonderful!!

  6. Such a pretty little quilt! Congratulations!

  7. Wonderful finish. Well done. I like the fabrics you have chosen for your stars. =)

  8. I love it! I'm working on a full size Swoon this month, and when I post my next block, I'll link up to your post so everyone can see your beautiful finish!

  9. I can't imagine what I would do if my sewing machine died! Great job pushing through. Lovely soft colors on the quilt.

  10. Love your Swoon! Wonderful quilting!

  11. Wow! You really overcame a lot to get this quilt done, and the result is marvelous. I bet when you look at this quilt in the years to come, you'll get very emotional about it because of all the challenges and how you came through them. You should call this quilt the Little Engine because you sure were an engine that powered through this.

  12. I am so impressed! You did a wonderful job sticking to it and finishing it up! Well done!

  13. Hello Cindy,
    Your mini is gorgeous! I followed the link you gave to Pinterest to look at other swoon quilts, and I think you made the best decision in floating your blocks and leaving out the cornerstones. Great quilting too!
    Thank you for linking up with Free Motion Mavericks!
    Love, Muv

  14. That turned out so great I could swoon Cindy! What a cute mini! You know I sometimes chant the same mantra in my head of "I think I Can", followed by the Get 'er Done made famous by Larry. The quilting looks really good and one would not know you had any trouble with doing it on your borrowed sewing machine. (Which answers my question about whether you replaced your Pfried Pfaff yet.) Good job and you got 'er done!

  15. Catching up on my blog reading and I love your finished swoon . It's on my very long list of quilts to make . Beautifully quilted too


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