Sunday, 3 January 2016

Double Cross Block Pattern

 I say good riddance to 2015 and hello 2016. 2015 was a difficult year, both my DIL's and myself had or are continuing to deal with health issues. My oldest son's wife lost her baby in July, the same month I started dealing with my own health problems, and my youngest son's wife has Transverse Myletis, she found out days before Christmas.

I'm not going to look back but ahead. So to say hello to a New Year, I have a new free block pattern for you. I designed the block way back in June. I was going to use the block in my guilds BOM but used a different block instead. Double Cross was tested by Joanne of Canuck Quilter. If you make the pattern I would love to see your results.

Double Cross Block

Double Cross Block Pattern

This is a 12 1/2'' unfinished or 12'' finished block.

All seams are 1/4''.


Dark fabric:     C cut (1) 9 1/2'' x 1 1/2''
                      G cut (2) 5'' x 1 1/2''

Medium Fabric:   A cut (1) 7 1/4'' x 7 1/4''
                         B cut (1) 1 1/2'' x 1 1/2''

Background Fabric:   D cut (4) 3 7/8'' x 3 7/8''
                               E cut (4) 3 1/2'' x 3 1/2''
                               F cut (1) 6 1/2'' x 6 1/2'' square cut in half diagonally to make 2 triangles F

Step 1:

1. On the back of all D pieces draw a diagonal line from corner to corner.
2. Place two squares on top of piece A matching opposite corners and right sides together. Sew a 1/4'' seam on both sides of the line. As per diagram 1a.
3. Cut diagonally on the drawn line as per diagram 1b.

diagram 1

4. Place a piece D on one of the units from 3 above as per diagram 2a.
5. This will yield two flying geese. Sew a 1/4" seam on both sides of the line and cut along the drawn line as per diagram 2b.
6. Repeat for other unit.
7. This makes four flying geese.

diagram 2

Step 2:

1. Stitch B to the long end of G. Repeat with the other G piece. As per diagram  3 To make a GBG strip.

diagram 3

Step 3:

1. Fold each triangle F in half, matching points, finger pressing to mark the center of its long side.
2. Fold C in half, finger pressing to mark the center of its long side..
4. With right sides together and matching centers, stitch triangle F to each long side of C. As per diagram 4a and 4b.
5. Stitch other the half of F to the above unit.6. Cut this unit in half diagonally. As per diagam 4c.
7. Stitch one half of the this unit to the GBG strip. As per diagram 4d.
8. Repeat with other diagonal half.
9. Trim to 6 1/2'' x 6 1/2'' by cutting 3 1/4" from the center of B on each side to make sure the cross is centered.

diagram 4

Step 4:

1. Join rows together as per diagram 5.
2. Press in the direction of arrows. Pressing towards E in rows 1 and 3 will allow for the nesting of seams. Which will result in your block laying flatter.

diagram 5

A sample layout of the block shows the secondary pattern. How fun is that?


A PDF version is available at Craftsy.


  1. I like this! It immediately shouted Anna Marie Horner fabrics to me, and I may have to find some time this week to test a block. I'll be sure to send you pics. Thank you so much for sharing. I was never so surprised at the amount of time it took to work a tutorial like this up until I'd done one myself. You rock!


  2. It is very fun, Cindy! I wish you and your family a healthy 2016.

  3. Great block, Cindy! The secondary pattern this block creates is awesome! I too wish you and your family a healthy 2016.

  4. Cindy, you and your family had such a rough year. I hope your daughter-in-law will be helped with treatments and therapy. And I especially hope and pray that 2016 will be a year of vastly improving health and happiness!
    You designed a wonderful block and I especially love it in the fabrics you chose! It makes a fun secondary design too! Just terrific!

  5. What a great block! Thank you so much for the pattern. Wishing you health and joy in 2016.

  6. I love this block, I was hoping you would share it with us :) Wishing you a great 2016!

  7. Well Cyndy: I do hope that 2016 is a better year for the health of you and your extended family. Thanks for sharing this beautiful block and great tutorial.

  8. This is a terrific block, and seeing it in pink makes me think of kisses...for Valentine's Day! Here's to a much better, healthier 2016, and kisses for you, mwah!


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