I just love this mini by Gudrun Erla, it is the January BOM over at Aurifil. You can get all the details here.
I was going to go with the red and white, as Gudrun used, but this lovely mauve wanted out of the closet. I just couldn't say no and I do I like it paired with this white on cream.
I cut everything out and had it all lined up ready to go.
The instructions were well written and in no time at all I had the center made. I'm really liking this colour combo. I should have gotten rid of those couple threads before I took the photo. Too late now. The lighting gave this a pink tint.
A little more sewing time and I had these units together. Chain piecing and pressing. I might need to clean my ironing board cover soon.
It took me almost 3 hours from start to finish. Not bad at all. I'm not quilting or binding it yet as I want to see what the other blocks look like to decide if I want to make a quilt out of them or just maybe a few minis.
I am more than happy with the final results.
It is beautiful!