Sunday, 25 January 2015


Hi and welcome to my blog. My name is Cindy, I live in Southwestern, Ontario Canada. I'm a new blogger in the world of quilting. I have been quilting about 15 years. It has really only been the last few years that I have spent more time on quilting and I am loving it. I started my blog to showcase my addiction yes I admit it I am addicted.

Thanks Vicki for doing this. I know it is a lot of work. I'm glad I could help out in a small way by being one of your volunteers.
I like doing machine applique and am thinking of making applique patterns. I love my digital programs and also have a blog for digital scrapbooking, if your interested you can see it here.

I love quilting and working with fabric. I don't always follow patterns, I sometimes use them as guidelines and adapt them to make them my own. Sometimes my bright ideas work out and other times... well we won't mention those right now.

If you want to see the list of blogs that are participating just go to Vicki's blog here.

Please make sure you are a no reply blogger. Simply go to your blogger profile page and add your email address. It's as easy as that.


  1. Hello Cindy. On behalf of Vicki and the Grow Your Blog Party, welcome aboard! Glad you've decided to join in the fun. I've had a quick peek around your blog, I'll be back later for a longer look. LOVE the quilt you did for Justin. He must be so happy with it, it is beautiful. You might consider adding a photo or two to your party post- most people are drawn to photos and will be more likely to return and/or follow you. (I think the photo of Justin's quilt would be a lovely addition.)
    Hope you have lots of fun with the party, and find many new blogs to follow and enjoy. Let the fun begin!

  2. Hello Cindy, Welcome to the Grow Your blog party:D
    Hope you'll have many new friends and followers this coming week. Huge hugs from Singapore

  3. Hello Cindy! I am visiting from the Grow Your Blog party! I LOVE your quilts they are fabulous! I like quilting too. I love to add embroidery to some of my quilts. This year I am learning to crazy quilt following an only class. Hope you have lots more visitors and thank you for visiting me! :) xx

  4. Beautiful quilts Cindy! Nice to meet another Canuck on here. Will be following.

  5. Hi Cindy, great looking quilts, glad you joined the hop.

  6. Enjoyed your blog, your quilts are wonderful. I have joined Grow Your Blog for the second year and love checking out all of the different blogs.

  7. It's nice to meet a fellow Canadian.
    I live that first quilt!

  8. I'm looking forward to following your blog and seeing your amazing quilting. I am new to it and only now realize how much goes into a quilt. Happy blogging.

  9. your work is simply lovely!!!

  10. You have wonderful quilts, Im happy to meet you.

  11. Lovely quilts and designs--thanks for sharing!

  12. Beautiful quilts!! I find I don't have the patience for quilting or at least I didn't the last time I tried which 18 years ago. Perhaps it's time to try again.

  13. you are the first quilter on here that i hadn't been following but do now, just came over from Vicki's list

  14. Hi Cindy!

    Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog! I love your quilts! I tried quilting several years ago and discovered that I didn't have the precision gene. I was overwhelmed by how precise everything needs to be when quilting. However, I do love quilts and I certainly admire yours.

    With gratitude,

  15. Hi Cindy~ It's so nice to meet you! Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and leave a comment :) I am so blessed that you did! Your quilts are beautiful! I love quilts, but have never made one :) I'm hoping to try my hand at it sometime, though! It looks like lots of fun. Hope you have a beautifully blessed week! ~Libby

  16. Hi i am a quilter from Ga. came over from Vicki's blog and am now following you

  17. Nice to meet you, Cindy! I've rediscovered quilting (and a few other crafts) since that I've retired. Your quilts are amazing!! I'm following now and hope to find more inspiration from you! Thanks for your visit. Blessings!! Zenda

  18. I'm visiting from St. John's, Newfoundland. Nice to meet you.

  19. Hi Cindy - I'm Sandra, one of Vicki's helpers...thanks for being a GYBP 2015 blogger; enjoy the party!

  20. Hello fellow Canadian blogger. :D How lovely to meet you Via the GYB event. I don't really quilt but have made two small ( and very basic) quilts for my daughters made of squares from skirts which used to belong to my late relatives (their grandmother, two great aunts, and a great grandmother). They treasure them. Quilts are such wonderful treasures, aren't they. Off now to figure out the best way to follow. :D

  21. Thanks for stopping by my place - had to come and see yours. I'm addicted too. But having fun along the way. :)

  22. Hi cindy I'm a quilter in Oregon...found ya through the GYB event and added myself as a GFC follower. I Hope ya stop by. Val from

  23. Stopping by via GYB. I too have a fabric/quilt addiction! Once I got back into quilting, it took over my space and free time! I find myself designing patterns at the oddest times. I love your mauve quilt!

  24. I am from Massachusetts, love y quilting! Have fun at the party!

  25. New follower, you need a galley tab,so we can see your wonderful projects.

  26. Visiting via GYB and loving your quilts in progress! I just finished my GI top last week and am waiting for the backing to arrive for quilting. Can't wait to see yours done, too!

  27. Thank you for inviting us to come for a visit. Loved seeing your colourful quilts. Enjoy the party.

  28. You throw a great party. Thank you for inviting me!

    So that you know, I've become a Follower and when time permits, I'll be back to see what other beautiful things were made by your hands!

    What this party is all about is to GROW your blog and I'm hoping to do the same. When you get to Section One, check out A Country Chic Retreat and SuZeQ Creations, my personal blog, in Section Fifteen I'd love for you to follow and subscribe to.

    Happy crafting!

  29. Your quilts are very nice. Have a fun GROW YOUR BLOG

  30. Your work is lovely! Looking forward to following you.

  31. How fun that you alter patterns to suit your whims - I love it! That's the fun of quilting - there is just SO much variety and possibility. I'm following now on Blovlovin'. See you around!

  32. What beautiful quilts, and what a perfect way to fuel your fabric addiction! ;-) Thanks for popping in at my blog too and hope you're enjoying the GYB party. I'm a new follower on Bloglovin'! xx

  33. I'm really enjoying your blog and am a new follower! Love the mini! Wise to wait and see if it will become a quilt! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Gloria

  34. Nice to meet you. I'm visiting from St. John's, NL via GYB. Beautiful quilts.

  35. Your quilts are fabulous! You have a great eye for color!

    Please come and visit me at

  36. Visiting from GYB and now following on Bloglovin!

  37. I think being addicted to quilting is a good thing. I'm just embarking on making my first 'real' quilt and must admit that I'm rather's a whole new process from the crazy quilting I am so passionate about.

  38. Hi Cindy, visiting from the GYP link up. I love that top quilt you have showcased. Really stunning


I love comments, however if you don't get a reply back from me it is because you may be a no-reply blogger. Hope you have a great day!