Sunday, 5 February 2023

Project Quilting 14.3

 Challenge 3 of season 14, hosted by Kim Lapacek,  was the 54-40 or Fight block. We were to be inspired by traditional '54-40 or Fight block.' It consists of four-patches and triangle-in-a-square blocks. I choose to be more traditional with the block. 

first up do I paper piece or use the 'tri recs tool'

    I choose to use the tri recs tool to make the triangle-in-a-square blocks. 

blocks coming together

    For those of you who have read my blog before, you will notice not a bit of green in this project. This challenge project is for my daughter and her favourite colour is blue.

This was a quick project to piece so why did it take me until this morning to get it finished. I procrastinated over the quilting, my daughter didn't want it over quilted. 

I tried to keep it a little simpler

Straight lines and curves in the triangle-in-a-square blocks. Swirls in the squares of the lighter blue and more straight lines in the dark blue squares.

I didn't have enough of the dark blue I used in the topper for the binding 

I was 10 inches short of the dark blue to use as a binding, thankfully I had another piece of fabric that I think worked pretty darn good.

The finished topper is 20'' by 20'' and I used my favourite batting for table toppers Thermore by Hobbs.


  1. Yikes! This is super. I would hang it on the wall. I love the colors and the quilting. I suspect your daughter will be thrilled. (and if not, send it my way!!). Really well done Cindy :-)

  2. I ended up making the same pattern for my Project Quilting 14.3, except mine is 15" square and I used blues in a different coloring scheme (it's number 182). You did a fabulous job with your piecing and your quilting. I'm sure your daughter will love it!

  3. I think this is stunning, and I hope your daughter appreciates the love you put into it for her!

  4. Not over-quilted at all, Cindy! Nice variation on the theme with those double star points, too!

  5. Cindy what a gorgeous topper!! My favourite colour! The quilting is so so good just perfect.

  6. Such a pretty block! I'm sure your daughter is enjoying it!


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