Friday, 14 May 2021

Pattern Release: Woven

 After a year-long break from pattern writing, I have a new release today. 'Woven' is available in my Etsy store.

Woven goes together quickly and is a confident beginner pattern. 

The pattern includes 3 sizes:

Baby: 44" x 44"

Lap: 58" X 72"

Queen: 85" x 99"

To see other examples made by my testers visit them at:

Anja who blogs at

Wendy who blogs at

Robin Sue who is on Instagram at  @robinsue58


  1. Congratulations. Thanks for the opportunity to test for you again. Have a great day.

  2. Congratulations, Cindy! I enjoyed testing this one! My post is coming on Monday!

  3. Congratulations! I saw Wendy's pretty version and came over to see yours. Love your blues.

  4. Congratulations! Beautiful quilt and so are Wendy’s and Anja’s


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