Sunday, 21 February 2021

Garden Snail

 Time for Challenge 12.4 of Project Quilting 12. This time we are to we were to start with a simple Snail's Trail Block: a humble four patch.  A quick check of the block can be found here.

I had no idea how I was going to do this challenge at one point I was ready to just make the block and put it into a potholder. Simple quick and done. But inspiration hit at 5 AM I know I should have been sleeping, but that wasn't happening. I got up and set to work putting my idea into action.

I got out my brown scraps and made the snail's trail block.

one 3 inch scrappy block

I rounded three of the corners and appliqued it along with a head for my snail. Added a few flowers and some grass. And he was right at home. Snails can do a job on my hostas and I am always trying ways to get rid of them.

My snail is content spending time in the garden

In true snail fashion, the quilting and finishing seemed to go very slow. The finished size is 6 1/2'' by 7 1/4''. He is quilted with Aurifil threads and Thermore batting.
Off to link up before I run out of time.


  1. Just thinking of a garden makes me feel warmer. :-) I really like your snail.

  2. That is a very clever rendition of the snail's trail block!

  3. Super cute twist to your Snail's Trail block...impressive for 5 AM!!

  4. I really like your creatvity with this block! The snails get our hosta too. I haven't tried the beer method yet, but I've been tempted.

  5. This is amazing Cindy! I should have gotten up at 5 am and maybe I could've made the I love how inspiration can strike and you just 'know'. Great idea to round the corners and wow, you even had time to do appliqué which is such an added touch of brightness. Love it.

  6. Your smiling garden snail is SEW cute!! Dirt, grass, and flowers along for the ride. What fun, Cindy!

  7. The snail in the garden is adorable! Great work!

  8. 5:00 a.m. is a tad, okay a lot, early for me. LOL But I glad inspiration hit. This is so adorable. Well done.

  9. Love your snail finish! I grew up on the wet side of the state (west coast) and snails and slugs were much too prevalent! I think it would be fun for me to make something similar for my siblings who battle with them now. I live on the dry side of the state where we get average of 8" of rain a year! No slugs or snails... unless I bring them along with flowers and dirt from their homes!


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