Saturday, 12 December 2015

How could I?

Did you ever have this happen? Apparently I need stronger glasses. I just can't believe I did this but the picture doesn't lie and it gets worse I quilted it and still didn't notice it.

big oops
Oh and of course the sashings are already quilted too. Now what? Do I rip it all out? I am already dreading even the thoughts of that idea. Do I leave it as is? The Amish are said to have a mistake somewhere in their quilts. Maybe I can pretend I'm Amish...  What would you do? Just in case you didn't catch it. See those HST's to the right they are turned in instead of out.


  1. Oh my, what a tough call. Me being me, I would think about ways to fix it. Any hope for appliqueing a new HST over the mis-placed one since there is already quilting around it?

  2. I like the Amish way of thinking! It's tough to take out a block in the center like that and have it look smooth when you're done fixing it. Very hard choice on what to do, especially if it will always bug you. It looks beautiful, though!

  3. I think it says 'I'm human.' No, I would never take it out, and it has little to do with my Mennonite upbringing. Why? We all need to deal with imperfection in ourselves, and an obvious mistake is a great place to start. I believe most quilts have more than one Fudge Factor involoved, and maybe only the Maker knows it. Unless it's bound for a show, I would use it exactly as it is. I love your organic look!

  4. At this point, I would just leave it as is. I'm not sure the amount of work it would take to fix it would really be worth it. The time spent ripping everything out could go toward a new project. Most likely no one else will even know that it wasn't supposed to be that way. The block is still beautiful.

  5. If you hadn't already quilted it Cindy then I would have been on the fence. "Pretend you are Amish"! LOL. Everything I make has mistakes and often no one else notices them. Pretty blocks and fabrics - that's what gets noticed. Merry Christmas!


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